
“A Path to greatness is not determined by the size but your ability to pursue success” ~ Gayflor
Beyan Garvelee Jr.

Gayflor Beyan Garvelee Jr.  is a Liberian author and passionate youth leader. He authored the books Destiny Basket and Unbox Your Purpose and Potentials.  Garvelee is the Founder and Executive Director of Lift Liberia Fellowship Program. Through his leadership, Lift Liberia has trained over 650 young people in capacity building, teaching, and other life skills. Outside of Lift Liberia, Garvelee participate in different programs and platforms serving as a lecturer and motivational speaker.

His organization, Lift Liberia Fellowship Program, has a sub training school called Elevation Leadership Development Institute which has trained over 650 youth people from both urban and rural areas for the sole purpose of educating the young generation, teaching skills that are accessible to self-empowerment and capacity building.

Garvelee is a lecturer at several local and international online platforms including on sight
platform. He has facilitated many workshops during his days in Liberia and currently in the United States of America. He’s a humanitarian, intellect, and a motivational speaker.

Gayflor Beyan Garvelee Jr. believes that every young person should meet his/her destinies and fit or fine space in society for self-empowerment despite tribal background, religion, geographical location etc. In his quest to achieve this, by impacting the youthful population in society especially Liberians, to create an independent mind-set with an ably leadership ability, where the youths can explore and maximize their potential.