
DESTINY BASKET: Leadership Principles From the Life of Moses

Destiny Basket is a deep reflection of a journey and how God uses any materials for his glory. It centers on the principles that guided the leadership of Moses.

Leadership and Influence are interwoven and needed in every sphere of life. It is imperative to consider what aided Moses and why he is still considered a great leader.

The life of Moses is used as a template for True Leadership, our hope is to help all leaders and prospective leaders become productive in their tasks.

Destiny Basket is a book that centers on the principles that guided the leadership of Moses.

Leadership and Influence are duo that are interwoven and needed in every sphere of life, it’s imperative to consider what aided Moses and what kept his name on the lips of men till date.

Embedded in this book is the life of Moses being used as a template to True Leadership to help all leaders and Prospective Leaders become productive in their field of calling and influence.


When the purpose of a thing is not known abuse become inevitable. It is very important for you to unbox your purpose if you want to live a fulfilled life. God has created everyone specially and it is our duty to discover and unbox our God given purpose and potentials. Many people live in identity crisis, they fail to discover their which is very deadly. One of the ways to live a fulfilled life is to first discover yourself and live in the same for the fulfillment of your purpose.

No that, everyone here on earth is not born empty, we are wired for greatness, and it takes YOU to discover it. Life will remain a frustration if you fail to discover your purpose and you will deprive your generation the benefit that supposed to get from you. Discovering yourself is very paramount and it cannot be over emphasized.

In conclusion, in this great book you will learn how to unbox your purpose for your life fulfillment. Enjoy this book as you read. Thanks